A Peacock in the Land of Penguins
(11 minutes)
This best-selling animated video has been a consistent hit
with organizations of all types and sizes. It has achieved
the status of "classic" and is used in seminars,
conferences, team meetings, and training sessions. The story
deals not only with diversity, but also with change, innovation,
teamwork, openness to new ideas, organizational flexibility
and creativity.
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(4 minutes)
Did you know that there is more diversity among dogs than
among any other animal species on earth?
There are many reasons that dogs are considered “man's best
friend.” Like humans, dogs are highly social, naturally hierarchical
and status conscious, very communicative, and loyal and protective
of their loved ones. Dogs embody some of the best characteristics
of humans - intelligence, adventurousness, teamwork, leadership,
loyalty, heart, and courage.
“Differences” is a short training video project designed
to help humans explore and discuss their own differences through
the “voices” of dogs. Key learning points are:
- Courage is more important than Color;
- Heart is more significant
than Hair;
- Love is spoken in all Languages; and
- Character is formed
in all Cultures.
The video begins by exploring all our differences ... and
ends by discovering how much more we have in common!

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Pigeon-Holed in the Land of Penguins
(11 minutes)
This charming animated video is the perfect addition to any
diversity consultant's toolkit, or training department's video
library. Like the book by the same title, the video deals
with the problem of stereotyping in organizations, and explores
diversity and teamwork, diversity and creativity, and the
importance of seeing beyond stereotypes to maximize the opportunity
for everyone to contribute to their organization's success.
Video comes complete with Leader's Guide, which includes training
designs, exercises and handouts, and a bibliography.
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